Date: 13th Nov 2021 – 16:00-18:30 CET

Location: Online streaming event

Registration link: not applicable


Rebuilding Italy for the Future: Rethinking Italy's positioning in a post-pandemic world

Italy is at a crossroad. The COVID 19 pandemic has worsened our already struggling economy and social environment, but has brought about new, exciting opportunities.
Now, Italy has the opportunity to enter a new Renaissance: through the NOVA Conference, we want to generate a discussion on how Italy can exploit the current market landscape to regain relevance on the world’s map through three lenses.


First, we need to revive the Made In Italy: How can we best leverage the Made in Italy excellences in a Post-Covid world?
Second, we need to revamp Family Capitalism and SMBs: How can we keep Italy's network of SMBs vibrant and competitive?
Lastly, we need to lead new spaces: How can we stimulate a new generation of Italian unicorns?


Reviving Made in Italy

·      Andrea Illy (Chairman, illycaffè)

Leading new spaces

·      Luca Ferrari (Co-founder and CEO Bending Spoons)

·      Frida Polli (Founder and CEO Pymetrics)

·      Riccardo Zacconi (Co-founder and former CEO King)

·      Moderator: Luca De Biase (Chief innovation editor Il Solo 24 Ore)

Revamping family capitalism and SMEs

·      Pietro Sella (CEO Sella Group) 

·      Domenico Siniscalco (Managing Director and Vice Chairman Morgan Stanley)

·      Moderator: Luigi Zingales (professor of Entrepreneurship and Finance Chicago Booth School of Business)

Investing in education and talents

·      Tommaso Stefani (Co-founder and Chairman NOVA-MBA) 

Closing Remarks

·      Francesco Tronci (President NOVA-MBA) 
